About the Author and the Project
This project was inspired by my passion and curiosity for programming and technology. I have always enjoyed learning new skills and solving problems using code. I have also always admired the online communities and platforms that allow programmers and enthusiasts to share their knowledge and experience, and to help each other with their questions and challenges. I wanted to create a web application that can provide a similar service and experience, but with some unique and innovative features and functionalities.
I started working on this project in November 2023, as part of my Portfolio Project for Holberton School, a software engineering school that teaches students how to think and learn like a full-stack developer. I chose this project as my Portfolio Project because I wanted to showcase my skills and abilities in web development, using various technologies and tools that I learned and applied during my studies at Holberton School.
I worked on this project alone, as I wanted to have full control and responsibility over the design and implementation of my web application. However, I also received and provided some help from and to my mentor, peers, and staff at Holberton School, who gave me feedback, suggestions, and support throughout the development and deployment of my project.